01-09-2025, 09:37 PM
im just weak i guess, no fun in it for me at those temps and seems like an unneccessary risk to the bike, i guess me too, but i care about my machines more. always icy and snow patchy up here, and the salt/beet juice de icer on the road. temp wise for me id do 40s but only after the snow and junk on the road has been cleared off. so i wouldnt be going out on a random nice day, but only after the winter weather has properly broken. but then it will snow again and you wait a few more days. sometimes even have snow in May up here its all over
I have a full engines worth of bolts and hardware. if you are missing somthing specialty hit me up I will share.
Goodbye Ashwin, stay safe on the otherside.
YOSHIMURA Club member #1 President
My technical mentors; Bpro, 893cv.
A monkey can memorize facts, but ask one to rebuild a set of forks.....
"I know what I'm doing is right, I just did it wrong."
2nd Gear Rebuild Vids Here: http://www.youtube.com/user/vashtsdayto ... sults_main
Fork Rebuild: https://youtu.be/7sgxwyaRDO8
I have carb parts. viewtopic.php?f=23&t=67234
Goodbye Ashwin, stay safe on the otherside.
YOSHIMURA Club member #1 President
My technical mentors; Bpro, 893cv.
A monkey can memorize facts, but ask one to rebuild a set of forks.....
"I know what I'm doing is right, I just did it wrong."
2nd Gear Rebuild Vids Here: http://www.youtube.com/user/vashtsdayto ... sults_main
Fork Rebuild: https://youtu.be/7sgxwyaRDO8
I have carb parts. viewtopic.php?f=23&t=67234