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9toenelson Videos
im just weak i guess, no fun in it for me at those temps and seems like an unneccessary risk to the bike, i guess me too, but i care about my machines more. always icy and snow patchy up here, and the salt/beet juice de icer on the road. temp wise for me id do 40s but only after the snow and junk on the road has been cleared off. so i wouldnt be going out on a random nice day, but only after the winter weather has properly broken. but then it will snow again and you wait a few more days. sometimes even have snow in May up here its all over
I have a full engines worth of bolts and hardware. if you are missing somthing specialty hit me up I will share.
Goodbye Ashwin, stay safe on the otherside.
YOSHIMURA Club  member #1 President
My technical mentors; Bpro, 893cv.
A monkey can memorize facts, but ask one to rebuild a set of forks.....
"I know what I'm doing is right, I just did it wrong."

2nd Gear Rebuild Vids Here: ... sults_main

Fork Rebuild:

I have carb parts.  viewtopic.php?f=23&t=67234
This one gives you an idea of how my brain flows as I ride.

Thanks for watching and subscribing!

(01-09-2025, 09:37 PM)vashtsdaytona Wrote: im just weak i guess, no fun in it for me at those temps and  seems like an unneccessary risk to the bike, i guess me too, but i care about my machines more. always icy and snow patchy up here, and the salt/beet juice de icer on the road.  temp wise for me id do 40s but only after the snow and junk on the road has been cleared off.  so i wouldnt be going out on a random nice day, but only after the winter weather has properly broken.  but then it will snow again and you wait a few more days.  sometimes even have snow in May up here its all over

It's not weakness.  It's wisdom.  I ride in these temps because of the combination of need (sometimes), desire and willingness.  I've done it enough times that I know I can be comfortable doing it.  Therefore, it's easier for me to accept the conditions.  I wasn't always like that.  And since we are a one car family of five, with four licensed drivers, the necessity sometimes arises.

Trust me, if the options to drive or ride in these conditions was equal, I'd drive (more often). Smile

Ashwin Gopalakrishnan #788 - He Showed Me The Way And How To Get Through It.  I Will Always Miss You, Ash.

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